UBS publishes Annual Report 2021


The Annual Report 2021 provides comprehensive and detailed information on the firm, its strategy, business, governance and compensation, financial performance and risk, treasury and capital management, as well as on the regulatory and operating environment for the 2021 financial year.

The Report presents the fully audited results for the year ending 31 December 2021. UBS’s net profit attributable to shareholders for 2021 was USD 7457 million and diluted earnings per share were USD 2.06, unchanged from the unaudited net profit published on February 1, 2022.

The Annual Report 2021 and associated disclosures are available at reporting. It is filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 20-F. It is also available as a full HTML version, which allows for an interactive, device independent and user-friendly way of reading the content. Also, the Annual Review is published today, providing an insight into initiatives and achievements of the Group in 2021.