WIPO – Accession to the Madrid Protocol: Jamaica

  • the declaration extending the refusal period to 18 months and making it possible to notify refusals based on opposition after the expiry of that period (Article 5(2)(b) and (c) of the Madrid Protocol);
  • the declaration indicating that Jamaica wishes to receive an individual fee when it is designated in an international application, in a subsequent designation and in respect of the renewal of an international registration (Article 8(7)(a) of the Madrid Protocol).  The amounts of that individual fee will be the subject of a separate information notice;
  • the notification indicating that any provisional refusal that has been notified to WIPO by the Office of Jamaica will be subject to a review by this Office, whether or not such review has been requested by the holder;  and, the decision taken on the said review may be the subject of a further review or appeal before that Office (Rule 17(5)(d) of the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol).

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force, with respect to Jamaica, on March 27, 2022.
