SDGs & me: European decent work and economic growth

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 8) ‘Decent work and economic growth‘ recognises the importance of sustainable economic growth for providing opportunities for full and productive employment and decent work for all. It also calls for eradicating forced labour, human trafficking and child labour and promoting labour rights and safe and secure working environments.

In an EU context, SDG 8 focuses on progress made in fostering sustainable economic growth and high levels of economic productivity to create well-paid quality jobs with decent working conditions. 

How is your country doing in this regard?

Do you know how the GDP per capita has evolved in your country over the past years? Or how many people have a job?

Various visualisation tools in our interactive publication ‘SDGs & me’ will help you to easily explore and evaluate the situation of your country as well as compare it to others. 

Select your country in the header below and choose different indicators of SDG 8 to find out more:

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You can also discover the new visualisation tool ‘SDG country scores’ to see where your country stands compared to the EU average: