Madagascar launches two WTO safeguard investigations: on pasta and on blankets

On October 8, 2018, Madagascar notified the WTO’s Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on September 20, 2018 two safeguard investigations: one on pasta and another on blankets.

In both notifications Madagascar indicated, among other things, that:

“Any entity wishing to be considered as an interested party must register with the ANMCC [i.e. investigating authority] within 30 days of the date of initiation of the investigation. Any comments, information or requests that interested parties wish to forward to the investigating authority should be submitted within 30 days of the date of initiation of the investigation.

The address of the investigating authority to which correspondence should be sent is:

Monsieur Le Directeur Général de l’Autorité Nationale chargée des Mesures Correctives Commerciales (ANMCC)
Enceinte Ex-Conquête Antanimena, Antananarivo 101 – Madagascar
E-mail:; site web:

Further information is available in G/SG/N/6/MDG/1 and G/SG/N/6/MDG/2.

What is a safeguard investigation?

A safeguard investigation seeks to determine whether increased imports of a product are causing, or is threatening to cause, serious injury to a domestic industry.

During a safeguard investigation, importers, exporters and other interested parties may present evidence and views and respond to the presentations of other parties.

A WTO member may take a safeguard action (i.e. restrict imports of a product temporarily) only if the increased imports of the product are found to be causing, or threatening to cause, serious injury.